Now streaming on FILMIN Spain
We are happy that our film PAUSE is now streaming on FILMIN in Spain. Special Thanks to our sales agent Xavier Henri-Rashid from Film...

PAUSE streaming on Amazon Prime USA and Canada
We are happy to announce that PAUSE is now streaming on Amazon Prime (Prime Video) in the USA and Canada, distributed by Subliminal Films.

Special Mention EYE ON TIFF!
We are over the moon that PAUSE won a Special Mention at the 17th Tirana International Film Festival 2019 in the EYE ON TIFF Official...

Top Prize in Los Angeles
Very happy that PAUSE has received the top prize at the Los Angeles Greek Film Festival, the Best Fiction feature Award. The Festival run...

Another award for PAUSE
We got another award! So happy to announce that PAUSE got another award at the Athens Panorama of European Cinema 2018. The Union of...

World premiere for PAUSE
We are so overwhelmed! Great news for PAUSE! The directorial debut of Tonia Mishiali has been officially selected for its World Premiere...

Meetings | Cannes 2018
Our Director Tonia Mishiali is attending the Cannes Film Festival 10-13 May and is available for meetings. Anyone interested please email...

Exclusive article in Variety!
Very excited that Variety has published an exclusive article on PAUSE entitled "Film Republic to launch Tonia Mishiali's PAUSE at Berlin...

Off to Athens for Sound mix
Coming up: Sound mixing in Athens at Xmas time with great company, Costas Varibopiotis and Christos Kyriakoullis. Stay tuned!

We are happy to announce that PAUSE has been selected to participate in the Works in Progress of the 52nd Karlovy Vary International Film...